I have made a lot of
Here are seven of them.

The videos below I made for Camp Elim, where I long served as the in-house video producer. I feel these videos are good representations of my body of work.
The majority of footage was shot with a Canon 80D or 70D, and all videos shown were edited with Adobe Premiere.
Promotional Videos
Promotional videos for Camp Elim are used to market Camp Elim to prospective campers and their parents.
2018 "Pardoned" Summer Promo
My Role: Producer, Editor, Graphic Design
Footage by: Jonathan Hagman, Alison Henry, Evan Lancelot, Ian Miller, Ronnie Ortega, Justin Waite, and Myself
2018 "Solved" Winter Promo
My Role: Producer, Editor
Footage by: Fred Stewart and Myself
2017 "Anchored" Summer Promo
My Role: Producer, Editor, Writer, Actor
Footage by: Aaron Grimes, Fred Stewart, Asher MacEnulty, and Myself
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Summer Wrap-Up Videos
Camp Elim's annual Summer Wrap-Up video is sent out to supporting churches, donors, and other partners. The purpose of the video is to summarize the summer camp season, as well as inform viewers of new building projects, new staff members, and other exciting milestones at Camp Elim.
2018 "Pardoned" Summer Wrap-Up
My Role: Producer, Editor, Graphic Design
Written by: Dan Faulkner and Myself
Footage by: Jamie Bell, Spencer Gurley, Alison Henry, Adam Manley, Justin Manley, Ryan Moulton, Anthony Rodriguez, and Myself
2017 "Anchored" Summer Wrap-Up
My Role: Producer, Editor, Graphic Design
Written by: Dan Faulkner and Myself
Footage by: Jonathan Hagman, Alison Henry, Stephen Kennicutt, Evan Lancelot, Ronnie Ortega, Justin Waite, and Myself
Program Videos
Program videos are entertainment videos made for campers to frame the retreat theme, providing narrative background, sometimes explaining rules for games, and sometimes delving into the spiritual themes of the retreat. Both of the videos below are from our 2018 “Solved” winter youth retreats.
2018 "Solved" Program Video for Campers Grades 3-8
My Role: Producer, Camera Operator, Editor, Writer
Starring: Gabe Gurley, Fiona Miller, Buffie
2018 "Solved" Program Video for High School Campers
My Role: Producer, Camera Operator, Editor
Written by and Starring: Chelsea Van Ryn, Steve Faulkner, Dave Corbett, Lisa Corbett, Jeremiah Gregg, Jacob Roggero